Monday, July 11, 2011

I Need Some Radio Show Advice?

So I'm seventeen and a junior in high school, getting ready to turn 18 in august. Ever since i was little, i thought that i wanted to be an archeologist, because mythology and history have always interested me, and archeology seemed like such an amazing adventure. But recently, my thoughts have been turning more towards being a radio hostess. Everyone tells me i have a good personality for it, and it's something that i can just see myself doing, you know? But my dilemma is what to do a show on. I was considering maybe doing it on mythology, or supernatural things. You know, a show on the myths behind vampires, werewolves, ghosts, demons, etc.I've always believed in things like that, and there aren't really any shows that talk about that sort of thing without getting really sarcastic. My second problem is how to make up my mind. Just thinking about not having either one of these jobs makes a pit in my stomach, and i always get mixed reactions when I ask people. So, what should it be, archeology or radio show? And if radio show, what should it be on?

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